Parents, Your Children Are Counting on You to Read This
I envision a world where children are safe from sexual abuse – and I honor this vision by offering you the knowledge and skills needed to protect your children.
I acknowledge that this is a difficult topic and makes people feel uncomfortable, and I ask you: “Are you willing to feel a little uncomfortable learning about child sexual abuse, so that your child never has to?”
I’m here to help make it easier for you. I offer three products that will empower you to protect your children and help raise a generation of young adults who value and honor consent.
Live Zoom Workshop – I, and the 17,000 parents who have attended, recommend signing up for this workshop because it will give you information for spotting child sexual abuse concerns, knowing how to respond to them, and for building a Prevention Team™ around you and your children. The workshop will cover:
- Identifying signs that someone may be grooming a child for abuse
- Age-appropriate sexual behavior vs. concerning behavior
- How to address behaviors of concern
- Peer-to-peer and sibling sexual abuse
- Teaching your children body-safety rules
- Talking with children about sexual development and answering their questions about sex
- Nurturing open and honest communication with your children
- Screening questions to ask caregivers and youth organization personnel
- Language for inviting family and caregivers onto your Prevention Team™
- Dealing with resistance when discussing abuse prevention with family and caregivers
- What to do if the unthinkable happens, and your child reveals they’ve been abused

You can learn everything you need to know in this educational workshop to minimize the risk of your child becoming a victim of sexual abuse by an adult or youth.
The educational workshop costs $65/per person for 5-hours, and is divided into two sessions. If you wonder whether it’s worth the investment, please consider what you pay for other items to keep your children safe (car seat, safety gate, bike helmet, etc.). 17,000 parents have attended this workshop with me, and you can read a few Testimonials below.
Private Consultations – If you’re looking for advice on how to handle a single difficult situation, and you reside in Colorado, please sign up for a Private Consultation.
Resources – I offer many Resources for parents, as well as my well-regarded book, Off Limits, and Conversation Starter Cards, which can be purchased in the PSC Shop.
What Parents are Saying…
“This is the single most powerful workshop I have ever attended. My family has been forever impacted by this minimal investment in time; it is a must for every parent.”
– Mike, Father, CO
“This is a ‘must do’ workshop for parents of any age children. The information provided is accurate, concise and presented in a way that makes the information immediately useable. I have encouraged all of my clients who have children to attend this beneficial workshop.”
– Carol, Psychologist, CO
“This workshop will change the way you think about children’s safety. Moreover, I’m the mother of a 15-year old, and don’t think for a minute this is a class for parents of young children only. The information is as relevant for the parent of a 5-year old as it is for a 15-year old.”
– Gayle, Parent, FL
“Thanks again for the wonderful and informative presentation. My husband and I have started working some of your ideas into our family life. Tonight, we started played the “favorites” game at dinner. I actually got some info about my daughter’s school day, which was a nice change.”
– Amanda, Mom, CO
“I am learning so much. I can’t wait to begin using “teachable moments” with my girls. So many of these situations have come up, but I didn’t know how to deal with them. I am so glad that I found your site!!!”
– Mom, NJ
And some additional comments from parents:
“I didn’t realize that I could be groomed before my child is groomed. Now I know the signs to look for and how to intervene. Getting past the denial is the hardest part.”
“I love watching my 4-year old practice saying, “I’m the boss of my body” even though I want him to listen to me.” (Said with humor)
“In the past, I would not have noticed little things and would let them slide. Our elderly neighbor was teasing my 4-year old who said, ‘I don’t like you to tease me like that. I want you to stop.’ The neighbor said, ‘you need to get used to it’ and then pretended to cry. Confrontation is hard for me, but this time I was able to support my child and speak up and ask the neighbor to stop.”
“I really understand now why it’s never a child’s fault when they are abused.”
“I am so ready to speak with all my family and my school administration about abuse prevention.”
“I love how straightforward and truthful your language is about body safety and that’s how I want to be with my children.”
“I am so much more aware of the interactions my child is having with others and what’s going on around him. I’m also more aware of my own behavior like asking him for permission for a kiss rather than just kissing him.”