Category: Consent

  • 5 Tips for Talking with Children about Consent

    1.  Be a model each and every day. If someone asks you to do something and you don’t want to, it’s okay to say “No.” Let’s say you’re carrying your infant to day care to pick up your Kindergartener. Another mother says, “Oh my gosh, she’s beautiful, can I hold her for just a minute?”…

  • What is Consent?

    Consent takes place when someone agrees to and gives permission to an activity by saying, “Yes.” Consent is always freely given and each party must feel like they are able to say “Yes” or “No,” and if they say “Yes,” can still stop the activity at any point. If there is not a deliberate “Yes,”…

  • Grandma Wants a Hug – Teachable Moment

    Grandma Wants a Hug – Teachable Moment

    The holidays are a time of greetings and affection, so it’s particularly important to remember that children and teens are safer when they get to choose when and with whom to show affection. If a family member or friend wants to greet your child with a hug or kiss, and your child does not want…

  • What Does Consent Look Like at Different Ages?

    Learning about boundaries and consent is a process that takes place over many years. Here’s what it looks like at different ages.Toddler: In the words of a two-year-old child, whose mother has been teaching body-safety concepts for over a year, “My vagina is mine!”Toddler to Tween:Mom to her Mother: “I know you love to hug…

  • Talking with Children, Teens and Caregivers about Consent

    Learning about boundaries and consent is a process that takes place over many years. By starting the conversation early, your children have more time to internalize body-safety rules and practice setting boundaries. And likewise, by talking with caregivers and family members about boundaries, you can model for your child, and the adults in their lives,…