x Testimonials old


These are five-star, must-attend workshops.

– Marilyn Van Derbur, former Miss America 1957, incest survivor, and motivational speaker.

Family Sitting on BenchWhat do 50,000 parents, grandparents, teachers, educators, coaches, clergy, and youth professionals across America have in common?

They all felt empowered by Parenting Safe Children’s workshops and consultations, and they all raved about Feather’s knowledge, warmth, and commitment to children everywhere.

But we won’t tell their stories for them. Instead, we’ll let them tell you, in their own words.

Click below to expand!

“This is the single most powerful workshop I have ever attended. I was able to implement several techniques the same evening to improve my kid’s safety! My 4-year old now knows what private parts are, that he is the “boss of his body,” and can say no to adults if they try and violate his body-safety. By implementing a “no secrets” rule in our house, playing games like “favorites and un-favorites,” and “what-if” games I now as a parent have a means to detect and prevent grooming by pedophiles. Feather also taught me how to open a safe and secure dialogue with my son so he feels safe telling me anything. My family has been forever impacted by this minimal investment in time; it is a must for every parent.”

– Mike, Father, CO

“Both my husband and I felt like this was the best investment we could have ever made as parents. The information Feather provides has served us very well as we communicate with care-givers, babysitters, family, friends, and our son. I feel more empowered than I did before the workshop and know how to talk with my son in age-appropriate ways. I can’t recommend this highly enough!”

–  Colorado Mom

“I wish my family, friends, and I had known what Feather teaches in Parenting Safe Children. I firmly believe if we did, we could have prevented the three years of grooming and sexual assault I experienced as a teenager.”

–  Survivor

“Informative, heart wrenching, important! This should be required for every parent and caregiver. Thank you for all your hard work on behalf of children who deserve our protection.”

–  Mother

“I not only learned a lot about keeping my kids safe but came away with things I can do right away. It was so helpful to actually figure out what we will actually say when talking to our children or their schools, caregivers etc. Can’t recommend this program enough!”

–  Mother

“Takes all the guesswork out of these conversations. lays a level playing field between parents and leaves zero room for questioning of your parenting decisions to protect your kids.”

–  Mother

“I recommend every parent/caretaker take this training. As a mom and educator, this is crucial information to have. I’m empowered! My children and every child around me is an OFF LIMITS KID.”

– Maine Mom

“Thank you, Feather. Since taking your course, I have made sure to shake the hand of every coach, teacher, and adult that may be interacting with my kids. Letting them know I am a central figure in my kids’ lives is the most powerful deterrent. Thanks for all of the actionable and empowering steps from your course.”

– Jeff G, Colorado Dad

“This workshop will change the way you think about children’s safety. Moreover, I’m the mother of a 15-year old, and don’t think for a minute this is a class for parents of young children only. The information is as relevant for the parent of a 5-year old as it is for a 15-year old.”

– Gayle, Parent, FL

“Thanks again for the wonderful and informative presentation. My husband and I have started working some of your ideas into our family life. Tonight, we started playing the “favorites” game at dinner. I actually got some info about my daughter’s school day, which was a nice change.”

– Amanda, Mom, CO

“I am learning so much. I can’t wait to begin using “teachable moments” with my girls. So many of these situations have come up, but I didn’t know how to deal with them. I am so glad that I found your site!!!”

– Mom, NJ

“The Parenting Safe Children Online workshop was tremendously valuable. 
I am a mom of 4, ages 17, 14, 11 and 5. I do consider myself a veteran mom to some degree and a mom who has been making conscious efforts around this subject. I was surprised at how much I learned from your course. The way it’s organized and presented gave a more complete and thorough view and understanding, rather than the pieces here and there that I was putting together on my own. So once I completed the course, I found myself with a new confidence around body safety and sexual abuse prevention.”
– Rachel, Mom, CO

“I have been an early childhood teacher for over 20 years. This was hands down the best training I have taken on the subject. Every adult human in the world should be required to take this class.”
– Florida Early Childhood Educator


“As a long-time practitioner in pre-college outreach programs I feel that it is necessary for all of us to refresh our understanding of what it means to keep the young people who participate in our respective programs safe and the methods by which we can best do so. The Parenting Safe Children Seminar provided an opportunity for the staffs of the University of Colorado System Pre-Collegiate Programs to revisit the strategies by which we safeguard our program participants and refresh ourselves in how to identify potential problems and how to deal with them in an effective manner. Feather helped the staff to engage in meaningful conversation regarding topics that are hard to discuss by their very nature but, are critical if we are to ensure a safe environment for our students to grow into productive young adults.
– Chris Pacheco, Executive Director, Office of Pre-College Outreach & Engagement, University of Colorado Boulder

“The Parenting Safe Children Professional In-Service is one of the most valuable that I engage in each year with my staff. Each person leaves with tools to keep children safe. As a parent & administrator, I recommend this training. Thank you Feather for this invaluable information!”
– Nancy James, Executive Director, Montessori of Colorado, Denver, CO

“Feather Berkower fundamentally changed the way we think about hiring staff. What we learned from her gave us the tools to screen staff better and with more confidence. When a parent asks how we hire, the first things we tell them about are the lessons we learned from Feather. The families that send their children to camp find her work valuable, too, and appreciate it when we sponsor her workshops.”
– Tommy Feldman, Founder & Director Altogether Outdoor Summer Camps

“The Parenting Safe Children in-service provided the staff an opportunity to learn and incorporate valuable principles and strategies aimed at keeping children safe within our early childhood learning environment. The information Feather delivered was enlightening and sparked a great deal of productive discussion amongst staff members and parents. Shortly after the workshop, a team of staff and parents collaborated to develop a center-wide safe children policy that is now the standard at our center.”
– Rebecca Tankersley, Director, Fisher Early Learning Center, Denver, CO

“Our community was fortunate to host a Parenting Safe Children workshop for professionals. The information Feather shares is invaluable to those who work with kids. Several people commented on how this was one of the best workshops they had attended and well worth their time”
– Romeka Alcon, Former Community Outreach Specialist, Office of the District Attorney, Pueblo, CO

 “We are excited to be able to support our shared commitment to keeping children safe. Your work in necessary and important. Thanks for doing it.”
– Brian Conly, Director, Bal Swan Children’s Center, Broomfield, CO

“I have been in Education for 42 years. Your workshop was one of the best I have ever been to. The morning flew by as we all learned so much!”
– Phil Demartini, Elementary School Director, Boulder Country Day School, Boulder, CO

“I work with hundreds of children each month. I thought I knew a lot about communication. What I learned in Feather’s Parenting Safe Children workshop is invaluable, and I use the tools at work and at home. Do the children in your care a favor and sign up today.”
– Iris, Educational Director, Colorado

“Feather’s passion about protecting children comes across in every aspect of the presentation—statistics, helpful tools and practical advice. I have recommended this workshop to every parent and professional I know.” 
– Taylor White, LCSW, Psychotherapist, CO

“Feather Berkower is an amazing presenter who sincerely informs and explores the sensitive subject of sexual abuse of children. She shares valuable information and different approaches for parents and adults who work with children. I believe this will significantly lower the incidents of abuse. Toward that end, I intend to have Feather educate our summer camp staff.”
– Lynn, Camp Director, CO

Are You Ready to Learn How to Keep Your Child Safe?